Online Search Marketing

Firstly, we vow not to use the acronym SEO.

The terms 'search engine optimisation' has been done to death.

However the reality is that to achieve a good ranking in an internet search engine, like google, it is about marketing your organisation, something more akin to a good public relations campaign done electronically.

We could add in lots of fancy terms and technical words here, however, it is not necessary.

The KISS principal applies, if you want people to find your business or products on the internet or web you need to make it easy for them, and get as close to the top of any list they find.

And the most IMPORTANT thing to acknowledge is that great pictures and graphics do not find your web page, WORDS primarily do it.

THE KEY - What is required is someone that can listen about, observe and research your organisation so a comprehensive, cohesive and well word crafted approach can be applied.

Then the correct technical steps need to be applied- and it is not a one off occurrence for continuing success.

The first step to all this is to ask the question!

Do we wish to have our products (or services, or organisation) to be found in search engine listings by prospective or existing customers?

Yes, well all that is fine, how does it help us?

MAB2 have excellent people that are able to assist with the process - TALK TO US.

And to finish some comments on optimisation:

Inherently the word can mean some sort of competition is to occur.

Well if you are going to have have someone do an optimisation for your web site to improve rankings, what is going to happen if they do the same to a competitor?

Bit like having your coach also coaching the other side in a grand final - it does not work.

Our commitment is not to work with a competitor in your region if you are a client for search engine marketing.

We will work with you and take on the other team - we only like winning.